Insulation Contractor Access Database
40 Hour Project
This database was built in different phases over a couple years, with an initial cost of less than $5,000 and a lifetime cost of less than $10,000. Our clients have ROI’s on these kind of projects sometimes 10X the cost to build.This database is used to manage an Insulation Contracting business. The client enters customers and business partners into the CRM portion of the database. They use this database to create bids, then turn bids they win into jobs, and eventually PO’s. They also manage inventory with this database. The highly customized aspect of this project that has saved the client hundreds of hours is the ability to create very complex logic that manages default selections. Instead of picking and choosing from a list of thousands of items, logic is set up based on vendor, job category and other custom variables, and the last item selected. The user can create a custom bid with hundreds of items in just a few minutes when it used to take over an hour.

Project to Convert Access 2003 db to 2013
12 Hour Project
A manufacturing company in Michigan needed help converting an Access database built in Access 2003. Sometimes these conversion projects are very simple; sometimes quite complex. We are very experienced in this work and can help you evaluate your options. In this case, there were a few forms with outdated objects, but most of the database transferred well. Most of the hours in our quote were in modifying the Excel integration piece, which was using outdated VBA in Excel. Since we are Excel and Access and VBA experts, we have a unique ability to pull off a project like this smoothly.

Project to Modify Report in Existing Db
4 Hour Project
A small contracting company in North Carolina sent over this pdf to our Request a Quote form, asking what it would cost to modify a report in an existing database. They no longer had contact with the original programmer. We did a quick gotomeeting call to go over the database and the requirement. To achieve what the client wanted, we needed to add a field to a table and a form, modify a few queries, and add the field to the report. They were so worried about finding a professional Access resource, and so happy with the customer service we provided, the reasonable price, and the quality work.

Custom Access database with Quickbooks syncing
40 Hour Project
A trucking company in Missouri contracted with us to integrate their Access database with Quickbooks. The client was using Quickbooks and doing a lot of painful duplicate data entry. We are experts in Quickbooks – Access integration. We can pull data using the QODBC utility, or we can sync tables in your custom Access application with Quickbooks. In this project, we implemented Quickbooks COM object API interactivity to push and pull information between Access and Quickbooks.

Inventory Management Database with Custom Reporting
60 Hour Project
A small plant grower company had a robust inventory management system built in Excel ten years ago that they had outgrown. The size of their data had grown to such that the macro was regularly crashing Excel, and they had additional reporting requirements. We moved the logic into Access and added the reporting module. The process which was already semi-automated in Excel but took 20 minutes to run on a daily basis was completely automated and scheduled to run nightly, with the reports ready when they arrived to work each morning.

New Form to Existing Db — Access database for Automative supplier
8 Hour Project
In this project, we were called in to solve a complex issue on a form. The client needed to read a bar code scan into the database, parse the scan into multiple fields, and save into the database. We also built code which produces xml code to send to a server which prints to a zebra printer for bar code printing.

Project to convert an Access database to Sharepoint backend
8 Hour Project
A services company in the oil industry in Alberta, Canada was using an Access database that was working well for them. They wanted to move this database online to Sharepoint, so they could utilize the database in multiple locations. There are a lot of options to make an online database. We can help you understand the best option for your needs. The tricky part of this project was to convert all the data macros the original developer put on a few tables. This is a big problem with Microsoft template db’s. These are nice if you use them exactly the way they are built, with no need to customize (which is rare). But unfortunately, they are very difficult to customize.

Custom Database for Printing and Publishing Company
120 Hour Project
A Chicago based printing and publishing company had outgrown their Excel system of quoting jobs, job tracking, and invoicing. They initially looked at out of the box software, but found none that could provide what they really needed to run their business. Turning to a custom solution, they looked at different software platforms and after receiving multiple quotes from different contractors, they chose MS Access and us as the developer. What they liked about us was our ability to easily translate the Excel files into Access table driven logic. After a successful implementation of the first phase, they came back to us for a 40 hour Phase II.

Lab Results Database
22 Hour Project
Wow, Access reports aren’t supposed to look this great! The purpose of this database was to manage lab results. The db has tables and forms for patients, physicians, clinics, and results. The key aspect of this database was to export the lab results to a report that close as possible mimicked a report they were previously getting from a different system. This kind of polished output is not a simple task in Access, but with our experience and know how, we were able to deliver a finished product that the client was very pleased with.

Maintenance and Repairs Scheduling Database
70 Hour Project
Can Access do that? The client had very specific request for how the main view should look and behave. They wanted it to look like a calendar, with the ability to click to enter new items or view existing items, with color highlighting, and various other automated logic.

Claims Processing Database
30 Hour Project
Our client was a small consulting company in Florida that helps small insurance companies process insurance claims and pay commissions to sales agents. The client had some technical ability and wanted us to train her on how to make changes herself to tables, queries, forms, and reports. This is the beauty of Microsoft Access, that with a small amount of training, you can make your own modifications. Of course, we are in business for the long haul, and we are always available to contract with for future tweaks or upgrades to the databases we develop for you.